Curt Blank's
Milwaukee Weather Report
Outdoor Graphs
 As of Wed Mar 5 10:00:24 PM CST 2025
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Outdoor Temperature
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/TempOutByMinute
Outdoor Temperature per Minute (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempByHours
Outdoor Temperature per Hour (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempHiByDays+grOutTempLoByDays
Outdoor Temperature Daily High/Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempHiByDays
Outdoor Temperature Daily High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempLoByDays
Outdoor Temperature Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempHiByMonths+grOutTempLoByMonths
Outdoor Temperature Monthly High/Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempHiByMonths
Outdoor Temperature Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempLoByMonths
Outdoor Temperature Monthly Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/TempLastYear+TempPrevYear
Outdoor Temperature Daily High (Past/Previous Year)
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/wxWSgr
Wind Speed by Minute (24 Hours) (Alternate)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/wxWSgr+wxWGgr
Wind Speed/Gusts by Minute (24 Hours) (Alternate)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WindSpeedLastHourByMinute
Wind Speed by Minute mph (1 Hour)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WindSpeedEvery10Minute
Wind Speed 10 Minute Average (4 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grWindAvgByHours
Wind Speed Average (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grWindHiByHours
Wind Speed Hourly High (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WS
Wind Speed by Minute (24 Hours) (New)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WS+WSAvg
Wind Speed Actual and Average by Minute (24 Hours) (New)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WS+WSAvgHourly
Wind Speed Actual and Hourly Average (24 Hours) (New)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WindSpeedByMinute
Wind Speed by Minute (24 Hours) (Old)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WindSpeedByMinute+WindSpeedByMinuteMedian
Wind Speed Actual and Median by Minute (24 Hours) (Old)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WindDirByMinute1
Wind Direction (24 Hours) (Raw)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grWindDirByHours
Wind Direction (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WDval
Wind Direction Normalized (24 Hours) (New)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WDval+WDavg
Wind Direction Normalized and Average (24 Hours) (New)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WDval+WDmed
Wind Direction Normalized and Median (24 Hours) (New)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WindDirByMinute
Wind Direction Normalized (24 Hours) (Old)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WindDirByMinute+WindDirByMinuteMedian
Wind Direction Normalized and Average (24 Hours) (Old)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grWindHiByDays
Wind Speed Daily High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grWindHiDirByDays
Wind Direction Daily High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grWindDirByDays
Wind Direction (By Day)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grWindHiByMonths
Wind Speed Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grWindHiDirByMonths
Wind Direction Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grWindDirByMonths
Wind Direction (By Month)
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Barometric Pressure
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/BaroByMinute
Barometric Pressure per Minute (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/BaroByMinuteFR
Barometric Pressure per Minute Fixed Range (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarByHours
Barometric Pressure per Hour (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarByHoursFR
Barometric Pressure per Hour Fixed Range (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarHiByDays+grBarLoByDays
Barometric Pressure Daily High/Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarHiByDaysFR+grBarLoByDaysFR
Barometric Pressure Daily High/Low Fixed Range
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarHiByDays
Barometric Pressure Daily High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarLoByDays
Barometric Pressure Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarHiByMonths+grBarLoByMonths
Barometric Pressure Monthly High/Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarHiByMonthsFR+grBarLoByMonthsFR
Barometric Pressure Monthly High/Low Fixed Range
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarHiByMonths
Barometric Pressure Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grBarLoByMonths
Barometric Pressure Monthly Low
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Outdoor Humidity
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/OutHumEvery5Minute
Outdoor Humidity Every 5 Minutes (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/OutHumEvery5Minute+TempOutBy5Minute
Outdoor Humidity vs Temperature Every 5 Minutes
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutHumByHours
Outdoor Humidity (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutHumHiByDays+grOutHumLoByDays
Outdoor Humidity Daily High/Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutHumHiByDays
Outdoor Humidity Daily High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutHumLoByDays
Outdoor Humidity Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutHumHiByMonths+grOutHumLoByMonths
Outdoor Humidity Monthly High/Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutHumHiByMonths
Outdoor Humidity Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutHumLoByMonths
Outdoor Humidity Monthly Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/HumYearTemp+HumYear
Outdoor Humidity At Daily High Temperature (Past Year)
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grRainByHours
Rain per Hour (Inches) (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/RainLastYear+RainPrevYear
Outdoor Rain Daily Amount (Past/Previous Year)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grRainRateByHours
Rain Rate per Hour (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grRainByDays
Rain By Day (Inches)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grRainRateHiByDays
Rain Rate Daily High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grRainByMonths
Rain per Month
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grRainRateHiByMonths
Rain Rate Monthly High
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Wind Chill
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/TempOutByMinute+WindChillByMinute
Outdoor Temperature vs Wind Chill per Minute (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempByHours+grChillLoByHours
Outdoor Temperature vs Wind Chill (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WindChillByMinuteDB
Wind Chill per Minute (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/WindChillByHourDB
Wind Chill Hourly Average (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grChillLoByDaysDB
Wind Chill Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grChillLoByMonthsDB
Wind Chill Monthly Low
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Heat Index
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/TempOutByMinute+HeatIndexByMinute
Outdoor Temperature vs Heat Index per Minute (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempByHours+grHeatHiByHours
Outdoor Temperature vs Heat Index (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grHeatHiByHours
Heat Index (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grHeatHiByDays
Heat Index Daily High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grHeatHiByMonths
Heat Index Monthly High
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Dew Point
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/wxDPgr
Dew Point by Minute (24 Hours) (Alternate)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/wxDPOTgr+wxDPgr
Outdoor Temp / Dew Point by Minute (24 Hours) (Alternate)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempByHours+grDewByHours
Outdoor Temperature vs Dew Point (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grDewByHours
Dew Point (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grDewHiByDays+grDewLoByDays
Dew Point Daily High/Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grDewHiByDays
Dew Point Daily High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grDewLoByDays
Dew Point Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grDewHiByMonths+grDewLoByMonths
Dew Point Monthly High/Low
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grDewHiByMonths
Dew Point Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grDewLoByMonths
Dew Point Monthly Low
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Solar Radiation
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/SolarRadByMinute
Solar Radiation per Minute (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/SolarRadDayByMinute+SolarRadDayMedian
Solar Radiation & Day Average per Minute (Today)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grSolarByHourAvg
Solar Radiation Average per Hour (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grSolarHiByDays
Solar Radiation Daily
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/SolarRadAvgWattDay
Solar Radiation Avg per Day W/m2/minute
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/SolarRadKiloWattDay
Solar Radiation per Day KW/m2
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grSolarHiByMonths
Solar Radiation Monthly High W/m2
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Temperature/Humidity/Sun/Wind (THSW) Index
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grTHSWHiByHours
THSW Index per Hour (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grOutTempByHours+grTHSWHiByHours
Outdoor Temperature vs THSW Index per Hour (24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grTHSWHiByDays
THSW Index Daily High
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grTHSWHiHiByMonths
THSW Index Monthly High
Temperature Wind Barometer Humidity Rain Wind_Chill
Heat_Index Dew_Point Solar THSW ET
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETByHours
Evapotranspiration per Hour (Inches 24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETDayTotalByDays
Evapotranspiration per Day (Inches)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETMonthTotalByMonths
Evapotranspiration per Month (Inches)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETYearTotalByYears
Evapotranspiration per Year (Inches)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETozByHours
Evapotranspiration per Hour (Ozs sq/ft 24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETozDayTotalByDays
Evapotranspiration per Day (Ozs sq/ft)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETqtMonthTotalByMonths
Evapotranspiration per Month (qts sq/ft)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETgalYearTotalByYears
Evapotranspiration per Year (gals sq/ft)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETDayTotalByDays+grRainByDays
Evapotranspiration vs Rain per Day (Inches)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETMonthTotalByMonths+grRainByMonths
Evapotranspiration vs Rain per Month (Inches)
Milwaukee Weather /Weather/graphs/images/grETYearTotalByYears+grRainByYears
Evapotranspiration vs Rain per Year (Inches)

Milwaukee Weather Current Conditions Milwaukee Weather Radar Milwaukee Weather Archives Milwaukee Weather Highs and Lows Data
Milwaukee Weather Temperature Charts Milwaukee Weather Rain Data Milwaukee Weather Wind Data Milwaukee Solar Radiation Data
Graphs created using Open Source -- Perl interface to Gd Graphics Library
All graphs Copyright © Curtis J. Blank -- May not be used in any form without permission
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