Milwaukee Weather -- Archived Outdoor Graphs 20241215 -- From by Curt Blank
Curt Blank's
Milwaukee Weather Report
Archived Outdoor Graphs 20241215
For 20241215
Milwaukee Weather Highs and Lows Data for 20241215
Outdoor Temperature
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>per Minute<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Temperature
per Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>per Hour<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Temperature
per Hour
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>Daily High/Low
Outdoor Temperature
Daily High/Low
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>Daily High
Outdoor Temperature
Daily High
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>Daily Low
Outdoor Temperature
Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>Monthly High/Low
Outdoor Temperature
Monthly High/Low
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>Monthly High
Outdoor Temperature
Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>Monthly Low
Outdoor Temperature
Monthly Low
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>Daily High<br>(Past/Previous Year)
Outdoor Temperature
Daily High
(Past/Previous Year)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>by Minute<br>(24 Hours) (Alternate)
Wind Speed
by Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed/Gusts<br>by Minute<br>(24 Hours) (Alternate)
Wind Speed/Gusts
by Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>by Minute mph<br>(1 Hour)
Wind Speed
by Minute mph
(1 Hour)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>10 Minute Average<br>(4 Hours)
Wind Speed
10 Minute Average
(4 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>Average<br>(24 Hours)
Wind Speed
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>Hourly High<br>(24 Hours)
Wind Speed
Hourly High
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>by Minute<br>(24 Hours) (New)
Wind Speed
by Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>Actual and Average<br>by Minute<br>(24 Hours) (New)
Wind Speed
Actual and Average
by Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>Actual and Hourly<br>Average<br>(24 Hours) (New)
Wind Speed
Actual and Hourly
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>by Minute<br>(24 Hours) (Old)
Wind Speed
by Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>Actual and Median<br>by Minute<br>(24 Hours) (Old)
Wind Speed
Actual and Median
by Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>(24 Hours) (Raw)
Wind Direction
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>(24 Hours)
Wind Direction
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>Normalized<br>(24 Hours) (New)
Wind Direction
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>Normalized and Average<br>(24 Hours) (New)
Wind Direction
Normalized and Average
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>Normalized and Median<br>(24 Hours) (New)
Wind Direction
Normalized and Median
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>Normalized<br>(24 Hours) (Old)
Wind Direction
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>Normalized and Average<br>(24 Hours) (Old)
Wind Direction
Normalized and Average
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>Daily High
Wind Speed
Daily High
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>Daily High
Wind Direction
Daily High
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>(By Day)
Wind Direction
(By Day)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Speed<br>Monthly High
Wind Speed
Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>Monthly High
Wind Direction
Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather Wind Direction<br>(By Month)
Wind Direction
(By Month)
Barometric Pressure
Milwaukee Weather Barometric Pressure<br>per Minute<br>(24 Hours)
Barometric Pressure
per Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Barometric Pressure<br>per Hour<br>(24 Hours)
Barometric Pressure
per Hour
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Barometric Pressure<br>Daily High/Low
Barometric Pressure
Daily High/Low
Milwaukee Weather Barometric Pressure<br>Daily High
Barometric Pressure
Daily High
Milwaukee Weather Barometric Pressure<br>Daily Low
Barometric Pressure
Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather Barometric Pressure<br>Monthly High/Low
Barometric Pressure
Monthly High/Low
Milwaukee Weather Barometric Pressure<br>Monthly High
Barometric Pressure
Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather Barometric Pressure<br>Monthly Low
Barometric Pressure
Monthly Low
Outdoor Humidity
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>Every 5 Minutes<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Humidity
Every 5 Minutes
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>vs Temperature<br>Every 5 Minutes
Outdoor Humidity
vs Temperature
Every 5 Minutes
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Humidity
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>Daily High/Low
Outdoor Humidity
Daily High/Low
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>Daily High
Outdoor Humidity
Daily High
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>Daily Low
Outdoor Humidity
Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>Monthly High/Low
Outdoor Humidity
Monthly High/Low
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>Monthly High
Outdoor Humidity
Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>Monthly Low
Outdoor Humidity
Monthly Low
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Humidity<br>At Daily High<br>Temperature<br>(Past Year)
Outdoor Humidity
At Daily High
(Past Year)
Milwaukee Weather Rain<br>15 Minute Average<br>(Inches)<br>Past 6 Hours
15 Minute Average
Past 6 Hours
Milwaukee Weather Rain<br>per Minute<br>(Inches)<br>(24 Hours)
per Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Rain<br>per Hour<br>(Inches)<br>(24 Hours)
per Hour
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Rain<br>Daily Amount<br>(Past/Previous Year)
Outdoor Rain
Daily Amount
(Past/Previous Year)
Milwaukee Weather Rain Rate<br>15 Minute Average<br>Past 6 Hours
Rain Rate
15 Minute Average
Past 6 Hours
Milwaukee Weather Rain Rate<br>per Minute<br>(24 Hours)
Rain Rate
per Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Rain Rate<br>per Hour<br>(24 Hours)
Rain Rate
per Hour
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Storm<br>Started <br>Total Rain
Total Rain
Milwaukee Weather Rain<br>By Day<br>(Inches)
By Day
Milwaukee Weather Rain Rate<br>Daily High
Rain Rate
Daily High
Milwaukee Weather Rain<br>per Month
per Month
Milwaukee Weather Rain Rate<br>Monthly High
Rain Rate
Monthly High
Wind Chill
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>vs Wind Chill<br>per Minute<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Temperature
vs Wind Chill
per Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>vs Wind Chill<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Temperature
vs Wind Chill
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Chill<br>per Minute<br>(24 Hours)
Wind Chill
per Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Chill<br>Hourly Average<br>(24 Hours)
Wind Chill
Hourly Average
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Wind Chill<br>Daily Low
Wind Chill
Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather Wind Chill<br>Monthly Low
Wind Chill
Monthly Low
Heat Index
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>vs Heat Index<br>per Minute<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Temperature
vs Heat Index
per Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>vs Heat Index<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Temperature
vs Heat Index
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Heat Index<br>(24 Hours)
Heat Index
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Heat Index<br>Daily High
Heat Index
Daily High
Milwaukee Weather Heat Index<br>Monthly High
Heat Index
Monthly High
Dew Point
Milwaukee Weather Dew Point<br>by Minute<br>(24 Hours) (Alternate)
Dew Point
by Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temp / Dew Point<br>by Minute<br>(24 Hours) (Alternate)
Outdoor Temp / Dew Point
by Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>vs Dew Point<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Temperature
vs Dew Point
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Dew Point<br>(24 Hours)
Dew Point
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Dew Point<br>Daily High/Low
Dew Point
Daily High/Low
Milwaukee Weather Dew Point<br>Daily High
Dew Point
Daily High
Milwaukee Weather Dew Point<br>Daily Low
Dew Point
Daily Low
Milwaukee Weather Dew Point<br>Monthly High/Low
Dew Point
Monthly High/Low
Milwaukee Weather Dew Point<br>Monthly High
Dew Point
Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather Dew Point<br>Monthly Low
Dew Point
Monthly Low
Solar Radiation
Milwaukee Weather Solar Radiation<br>per Minute<br>(24 Hours)
Solar Radiation
per Minute
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Solar Radiation<br>& Day Average<br>per Minute<br>(Today)
Solar Radiation
& Day Average
per Minute
Milwaukee Weather Solar Radiation Average<br>per Hour<br>(24 Hours)
Solar Radiation Average
per Hour
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Solar Radiation<br>Daily
Solar Radiation
Milwaukee Weather Solar Radiation<br>Avg per Day W/m2/minute
Solar Radiation
Avg per Day W/m2/minute
Milwaukee Weather Solar Radiation<br>per Day KW/m2
Solar Radiation
per Day KW/m2
Milwaukee Weather Solar Radiation<br>Monthly High W/m2
Solar Radiation
Monthly High W/m2
Temperature/Humidity/Sun/Wind (THSW) Index
Milwaukee Weather THSW Index<br>per Hour<br>(24 Hours)
THSW Index
per Hour
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Outdoor Temperature<br>vs THSW Index<br>per Hour<br>(24 Hours)
Outdoor Temperature
vs THSW Index
per Hour
(24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather THSW Index<br>Daily High
THSW Index
Daily High
Milwaukee Weather THSW Index<br>Monthly High
THSW Index
Monthly High
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>per Hour<br>(Inches 24 Hours)
per Hour
(Inches 24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>per Day (Inches)
per Day
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>per Month (Inches)
per Month
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>per Year (Inches)
per Year
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>per Hour<br>(Ozs sq/ft 24 Hours)
per Hour
(Ozs sq/ft 24 Hours)
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>per Day (Ozs sq/ft)
per Day
(Ozs sq/ft)
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>per Month (qts sq/ft)
per Month
(qts sq/ft)
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>per Year (gals sq/ft)
per Year
(gals sq/ft)
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>vs Rain per Day<br>(Inches)
vs Rain per Day
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>vs Rain per Month<br>(Inches)
vs Rain per Month
Milwaukee Weather Evapotranspiration<br>vs Rain per Year<br>(Inches)
vs Rain per Year

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Graphs created using Open Source -- Perl interface to Gd Graphics Library
All content Copyright © 2004-2024 Curtis J. Blank -- May not be used in any form without permission
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