Curt Blank's

Solar Powered Home
For 20211018

Archived Energy Produced
  (@ $0.19680/kWh)
Power produced today: 16.734  kWh.  Value:  $ 3.293
Weekly Power produced: 35.308  kWh.  Value:  $ 6.949
Monthly Power produced: 123.848  kWh.  Value:  $ 17.981
Yearly Power produced: 3155.664  kWh.  Value:  $ 511.759
Partial Power produced: 34.042  kWh.  Value:  $ 6.699
Total Power produced: 63198.167  kWh.  Value:  $ 13007.330
Past 365 Days Power produced: 3727.74  kWh.  Value:  $ 606.06
(Since 27-jun-2006)  
(Aurora inverter was replaced on April 5th, 2010 due to "Quartz/Battery Failure!" that occurred in early 2007. I was reluctant to replace the inverter for fear of losing power generation history data. And rightfully so, ... Read more... )

Energy Production Graphs
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction
Daily Energy
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProductionValue
Daily Energy
Production Value
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction
Weekly Energy
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProductionValue
Weekly Energy
Production Value
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction365
Daily Energy Production
Last 365 Days
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction365Value
Daily Energy Production Value
Last 365 Days
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction365RunningAvg
Daily Energy Production
Running Average
Last 365 Days
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction365ValueRunningAvg
Daily Energy Production Value
Running Average
Last 365 Days
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction52
Weekly Energy Production
Last 52 Weeks
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction52Value
Weekly Energy Production Value
Last 52 Weeks
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction52RunningAvg
Weekly Energy Production
Running Average
Last 52 Weeks
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction52ValueRunningAvg
Weekly Energy Production Value
Running Average
Last 52 Weeks
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home Monthly Production
Monthly Energy
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home Monthly Production Running Average
Monthly Energy
Running Average
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home MonthlyProductionPerDay
Monthly Energy
Average Per Day
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home MonthlyProductionValue
Monthly Energy
Production Value
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home Monthly Production Value Running Average
Monthly Energy
Production Value
Running Average
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home MonthlyProductionValuePerDay
Monthly Energy
Production Value
Average Per Day
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home YearlyProduction
Yearly Energy
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home YearlyProductionValue
Yearly Energy
Production Value

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May not be used in any form without permission

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