Curt Blank's

Solar Powered Home
For 20170619

Archived Inverter Stats
Parameter Current 

West Array Voltage 95.78 95.78 259.67    VDC
West Array Current 0.01 0.01 9.02    ADC
West Array Power 1.01 1.01 1989.63    Watts
East Array Voltage 85.75 85.75 250.74    VDC
East Array Current 0.00 0.00 9.02    ADC
East Array Power 0.00 0.00 1839.42    Watts
Total PV Panel Power 1.01 1.01 3820.58    Watts
Watts Per Minute 0.00 0.00 59.00    Watts
Solar Radiation 7 5 1186    W/m2
Sun Altitude Angle -0.80 -0.80 70.44    °
Sun Azimuth Angle 123.83 0.26 123.83    °
Sun PV Incidence Angle 111.63 20.44 111.63    °
Outdoor Temperature 64.70 57.80 76.30    °
Grid Voltage 242.75 239.36 245.44    VAC
Grid Current  (Note 1) 0.59 -0.05 14.82    AAC
Grid Power  (Note 1) -23.01 -23.01 3563.16    Watts
Grid Power  (Note 2) 143.22 -12.99 3579.48    Watts
Grid Frequency 60.01 59.96 60.04    Hz.
Inverter Heatsink Temperature 44.98 24.79 72.63    °C
Inverter Internal Temperature 43.90 24.60 49.98    °C
Inverter Efficiency 0.00 0.00 100    %
Inverter Efficiency Losses 24.02    Watts
Inverter Run Time 15:20    hh:mm
Solar Radiation Average 334.40    W/m2
West Array Average Power 482.630    Watts
East Array Average Power 428.950    Watts
PV Panel Average Power 911.580    Watts
Grid Average Power  (Note 1) 861.520    Watts
OffPeak Power Produced (This day) 0.280    KWh
OnPeak Power Produced (This day) 12.523    KWh
Total Power Produced (This day) 12.803    KWh

  1.) Inverter output reported
  2.) Inverter output calculated
  • Run Time is based on valid communication with the Inverter and full data returned. Communication and data returned can be sporadic during morning startup and evening shutdown when the PV Power is not adequate for the Inverter to run.
  • Grid Power i.e. Inverter Power Output, as reported by the Inverter appears to be lower then the calculated power (Grid Output Voltage X Grid Output Current).
  • The response of the Solar Radiaion detector lags by minutes at times the reponse that the PV Panels have to sunlight, so the PV Power Output may be high when the Solar Radiation looks low and vise versa.

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