Curt Blank's

Solar Powered Home
For 20090105

Archived Energy Produced
(@ $0.225/KWh)
Power produced today:  KWh.  Value: 
Weekly Power produced:  KWh.  Value: 
Monthly Power produced:  KWh.  Value: 
Yearly Power produced:  KWh.  Value: 
Partial Power produced:  KWh.  Value: 
Total Power produced:  KWh.  Value: 
(Since 27-jun-2006)
(On January 1st, 2007 the Monthly total did not reset and reflected December 2006's production being sumed into January 2007's production. Power One recently aquired the Aurora Inverter line from Magnetek and has been contacted for a resolution. As of late April 2007 I have been informed this problem has been corrected, however I do as of yet have the new firmware with the correction.)

Energy Production Graphs
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction
Daily Energy
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProductionValue
Daily Energy
Production Value
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction
Weekly Energy
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProductionValue
Weekly Energy
Production Value
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction365
Daily Energy Production
Last 365 Days
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction365Value
Daily Energy Production Value
Last 365 Days
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction365RunningAvg
Daily Energy Production
Running Average
Last 365 Days
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home DailyProduction365ValueRunningAvg
Daily Energy Production Value
Running Average
Last 365 Days
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction52
Weekly Energy Production
Last 52 Weeks
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction52Value
Weekly Energy Production Value
Last 52 Weeks
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction52RunningAvg
Weekly Energy Production
Running Average
Last 52 Weeks
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home WeeklyProduction52ValueRunningAvg
Weekly Energy Production Value
Running Average
Last 52 Weeks
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home Monthly Production
Monthly Energy
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home Monthly Production Running Average
Monthly Energy
Running Average
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home MonthlyProductionPerDay
Monthly Energy
Average Per Day
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home MonthlyProductionValue
Monthly Energy
Production Value
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home Monthly Production Value Running Average
Monthly Energy
Production Value
Running Average
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home MonthlyProductionValuePerDay
Monthly Energy
Production Value
Average Per Day
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home YearlyProduction
Yearly Energy
Milwaukee Solar Powered Home YearlyProductionValue
Yearly Energy
Production Value

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All content Copyright © 2006-2007 Curtis J. Blank
May not be used in any form without permission

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